The Karnataka State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority under a public notice has brought to
the notice of the public that the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India has issued Environmental Impact Assessment Notification dated 14.9.2006
for according Environmental Clearance to 8 category of industries and projects by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India and by a
State level Environment Impact Assessment Authority
by the Government of India on the recommendations made by the State Governments.
The eight categories of industries/projects requiring environment clearance
are further categorized into A
and B. The central government has decentralized the entire process of environment clearance by creating an independent state level Environment
Impact Assessment Authority
for category B
industries Schedule to Environmental Impact Assessment notification, 2006 give details of
8 category or A and B industries. According to
this, under category 8(a) the building and construction projects with
built up area of the size measuring between 20,000
sq. meters.
and 1,50,000 sq.mtrs. requires clearance from the Environmental Impact Assessment Authority. The following are some of the requirements to be fulfilled by the developers under the notification.
All required sanitary and hygienic measures should be in place before starting
construction activities and to be maintained throughout
the construction. A first aid room
will be provided in the project both
during construction
and operation of the project.
drinking water
and sanitary facilities should
be provided for construction workers at the site. The safe disposal of wastewater and solid wastes generated
during the construction phase should
be ensured.
the top soil excavated during construction activities
should be stored for use in horticulture/ landscape development within the project site.
Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials, must not be allowed to contaminate water courses and the dump
sites for such material must be secured so that they should
not leach into the
ground water.
The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be low sculpture diesel type
and should conform
of E(P) rules prescribed
for air and noise emission standards.
Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site should be in good condition
and should
conform to applicable air and noise emission standards and should be operated only during non-peak hours.
Ambient noise levels should conform to
residential standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads
on the ambient air and noise
quality should be closely monitored
during construction phase.
Ready mixed concrete
must be used in
building construction.
Storm water control and
its re-use as per CGWB and BIS standards for
various applications.
demand during construction should be reduced by use
of pre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices referred.
Separation of grey and black water should
be done by the use
of dual
plumbing line for separation of grey and black water. Treatment of Separation of grey and black water should
be done by the use
of dual
plumbing line for separation of grey and black water. Treatment of HN
Fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking should
be of low flow either by use of aerators
or pressure reducing devices or sensor based control.
Use of glass may be reduced
by up to 40% to reduce
the electricity consumption
and load
on air conditioning. If necessary, use high quality double glass
with special reflective coating in windows.
The installation of the Sewage
Plant (STP) should be certified
by an independent expert and a report in this regard should
be submitted to the Ministry before
the project is commissioned for
operation. Discharge of treated sewage
shall conform to the norms and standards of the State Pollution Control Board. Ground water should
not be recharged from treated effluent.
Rain water harvesting for
roof run-off and surface run-off, should
be implemented. Before recharging the surface
run off, pretreatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and grease. Rain water harvesting pit should be at least 50 meters away
from STP the solid
waste generated should be properly collected
and segregated before disposal to the City Municipal Facility. The
In-vessel bio-conversion
technique should be used
for composting the organic waste.
Any hazardous waste
including biomedical
waste should be disposed of as per applicable
rules and norms with
necessary approvals of
the State Pollution
Control Board.
The green belt design
along the periphery of the plot shall achieve attenuation factor conforming to the day and
night noise standards prescribed for residential land use.
The open spaces inside the plot shouldbe suitably landscaped and coveredwith vegetation of indigenous variety.
Incremental pollution
loads on the ambient air
quality, noise and water quality should be periodically monitored
after commissioning of the project.
Incremental pollution
loads on the ambient air
quality, noise and water quality should be periodically monitored
after commissioning of the project.
Traffic congestion
near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site must be avoided. Parking should
be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized.
A report on the energy conservation
measure confirming to energy conservation norms finalize by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should
be prepared incorporating details about
building materials and technology, R & U factors
etc., and submit to the Ministry for approval.
In the case of any change(s) in
the scope of the project, the project would require a fresh appraisal by this Ministry.
The Ministry reserves
the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently, if found necessary, and to take action including revoking of
the environment clearance
under the provisions of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, to ensure effective implementation
of the suggested safeguard measures in a The project
proponent should advertise in at least two local Newspapers widely circulated in the region, one of
which shall be in the vernacular language informing that the
project has been accorded environmental clearance and
copies of clearance letters are available
with the State Pollution Control Board time bound
and satisfactory manner. Environmental clearance is subject
to obtaining clearance under the
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
from the competent authority.